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Đặt thẻ JR Pass Singapore

Đặt hàng tại Singapore

Chúng tôi gửi hàng đi Singapore bằng dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh của UPS. Mỗi Japan Rail Pass is sent to Singapore in a well and elegant packaged box along with all required information from JR Group such as the policy regarding refunds, carry-ons, exchange locations, and more. Get your Japan Rail Pass MCO delivered safely to your door with a courier.

Japan rail pass Singapore

Thời gian gửi hàng đi Singapore

Chúng tôi cố gắng gửi của bạn Japan Rail Pass within 1 workday. The normal delivery time to Singapore is 3-5 work days, but please allow up to 14 days due to unexpected delivery delays that may accrue on the way caused by UPS or force majeure. We can not guarantee any exact delivery date due to weekends, holidays, and unexpected delays but promise to always do our part and send out your JR Pass as soon as possible.

JR Pass rẻ nhất ở Singapore

We update our prices frequently to always match the current exchange rates and prices. Our goal is to try to be updated at all times and provide the best possible prices for the cheapest JR Pass to all our customers in Singapore.

Đặt thẻ JR

Hướng dẫn Du lịch Fukuoka

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