
+46 839 91 32 月曜~金曜 11:00 ~ 15:00 GMT+1





あなたと Japan Rail Pass



日本最北の島、北海道の美しい自然に囲まれた札幌。 札幌市郊外には素晴らしいスキー場があり、毎年開催される雪祭りもあり、思い出に残る体験が待っています。 この街には見どころがたくさんありますが、最もよく知られているのは象徴的なビールです。 札幌は冬の季節に訪れるのがおすすめです。



  Sapporo Yuki Matsuri is the city’s well-known snow festival that occurs annually in early February. The festival is divided into three areas, Odori, Susukino, and Tsu Dome.


津ドームを訪れてインナーチャイルドを解き放ちましょう。 このエリアには XNUMX つの異なる氷の滑り台と、そり滑り用の雪道がいくつかあります。 お腹が空いたら、大きな雪のドームに入ると、さまざまな屋台や楽しいパフォーマンスが楽しめるステージがあります。



ビールファンはここをチェック! 北海道は日本のビール発祥の地であり、札幌には国内最古で最も有名なビールブランドの一つであるサッポロビールの本拠地があります。

訪問 サッポロビール博物館 and join a guided tour of the history of beer in Japan and the process of making the beer. Then enjoy a freshly brewed beer straight from the brewery. It can’t get fresher than that. 

同じ建物内にあるサッポロビール園もおすすめです。 ここにはレストランがいくつかありますが、「飲み放題」「食べ放題」を提供する雰囲気のあるビアホールもあります。



An iconic landmark in Sapporo and worth a visit. Climb the 90-meter-high tower look out over the city and enjoy the beautiful view. If you’re lucky, on cloudless days you can see the sea.

テレビ塔に直結した地下街「オーロラタウン」もぜひ訪れてください。 全長 312 メートルのオーロラタウンには、素晴らしいショップがたくさんあります。



札幌のもう一つの象徴的な建物は時計台です。 時計塔のある家は 1878 年に建てられ、1881 年にボストンからの時計が設置されました。

The building has had several purposes but today it is a popular museum depicting the history of the house, the clock, and Sapporo.



Treat yourself to a visit to the Ishiya chocolate factory and taste their famous white chocolate cakes called “shiroi kobito”. If you take the guided tour, you can follow the entire manufacturing process of the chocolate bars. There is also the opportunity to create your chocolate cakes. 

The factory also has a park, Shiroi Kobito Park, with restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy a delicious cake buffet see a robot show and then visit the toy museum. If you are traveling with children, this is something to recommend.



場外市場 is one of the largest outdoor markets in Sapporo with its 80 shops and restaurants stretching along several blocks. The market is best known for specializing in seafood such as crab, sea urchin, salmon roe, squid, and ホタテ。 市場内のレストランで獲れたての魚介類を味わってみましょう。


二条市場が見えてきます in central Sapporo which is an indoor market that stretches along an entire block. This market also has a fantastic range of seafood and a strong recommendation is to visit the market early and enjoy a seafood breakfast at one of the restaurants.   

The market is open daily from 07.00 – 18.00.



If you want to have a fun night out, you should go to Susukino, which is Japan’s largest entertainment district in Japan north of 東京都. Here it is packed with bars, restaurants, and shops.

夜を満喫するには、その地域のカラオケ バーを訪れるか、ギャンブル愛好家にはパチンコ スロットを訪れることをお勧めします。 旅行資金が一晩ですべて消えてしまわないように注意してください。

Also, take the opportunity to visit Ramen Yokocho which is a narrow alley with 札幌の名物ラーメンを提供するレストラン。 冬祭りの期間中、すすきのでは氷彫刻コンクールが開催されます。



サッポロファクトリー is a large shopping center in central Sapporo with 160 shops, numerous restaurants, cafes, and a large cinema with several lounges. There is also a small brewery that serves freshly brewed beer in their beer hall. Here’s how you can satisfy your shopping desire, hunger, and beer cravings and get entertainment, all in the same place.

Sapporo Factory is open daily from 10.00 – 20.00.

狸小路商店街 全長1kmを超えるショッピングセンターで、快適なショッピング体験に必要なものがすべて揃っています。 約 200 の店舗があり、すべての店舗が XNUMX つの屋根の下にあります。 さまざまなレストランやバーもあり、夜にはカラオケバーもいくつかあります。 

Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade is open 24 hours but many of the shops choose to open at 10 am.



Visit the historic village of Kaitaku no Mura and travel back in time to the year 1868 and experience what it was like to live in Sapporo at that time. The village is divided into four different sections: a town, a fishing village, a farm, and a mountain village. There is also an old model of a railway station.

The village functions as an open-air museum and consists of 60 different buildings representing classic houses from all over the island of Hokkaido between 1868 and 1926.

特徴的な家々の間を散策し、小さな神社のある緑豊かな庭園へ進みます。 家族全員でのお出かけに最適です。


MT 九

Visit Mt. Moiwa and experience a view that is hard to beat. From the top of the mountain, you get a fantastic view of the city, the Mashike Mountains, and Ishikari Bay. It is supposed to be especially beautiful in the evening and is said to be one of the best views in Japan. 


At the top, you will find an observation deck where you can look out over the city. There is also a planetarium, a theater, and a restaurant that offers a nice view of the city.




  Hokkaido University Botanical Garden is one of the most beautiful gardens in Sapporo and has a lot to offer. Let go of all the stress and stroll around among beautiful flowers and stately trees.

庭園には、ライラックの茂みが茂る庭園など、さまざまなテーマを持ついくつかの小さな庭園があります。 もあります green訪問でき​​る家々や北海道の​​歴史を学ぶ博物館もあります。





テイネスキー場 is the largest and most famous ski resort in Sapporo. Among other things, it was here that the Winter Olympics were held in 1972. The facility is only 40 minutes from the city center and has a large selection of ski slopes divided into two areas, the Highland zone and the Olympia zone. Where the first mentioned is for the slightly more experienced skiers and has a snow park with jumps, boxes, and rails.

国際スキー場 札幌郊外に位置し、テイネスキー場よりもかなり小さいですが、雪の量と質は他の追随を許しません。 これが、多くの人が代わりにここに行くことを選ぶ理由です。 コクサイは主に初中級者向けで、ほぼ青と中級者のみのスキー場です。 green 坂道もあり、お子様連れのご家族にも最適です。



大通公園が見えてきます right in the center of Sapporo and this is where the annual snow festival is held. Even in summer, it is worth visiting for its magnificent flower gardens, an extensive selection of trees, fountains, and sculptures. The park stretches along 15 blocks and at one end you will find the previously mentioned TV tower.

モエレ沼公園 札幌郊外にある大きな公園で、見どころがたくさんあります。 その広さに加えて、 green areas, there are several uniquely designed areas such as the large Hidamari glass pyramid, Mount Moere which offers views of the entire park, a sea fountain with water showers, and Moere Beach which is an artificial swimming beach. 

旭山記念公園 was opened in 1970 to celebrate Sapporo’s 100th anniversary. The park has an observation deck that offers a spectacular view of the city and the sea. It is the main reason tourists choose to visit the site, but the park also offers hiking trails, rest areas, and playgrounds for the children.



Maruyama Zoo is not a huge zoo, but still worth visiting as it is one of the country’s largest nature-oriented zoos. They put a lot of focus on creating natural habitats for the animals so that they will act according to their instincts. This gives visitors an authentic experience.

Maruyama Zoo is home to over 180 different mammals, birds, and reptiles, but the animal that attracts the most visitors is the polar bear. Take the chance to see polar bears up close, it may be your only chance to see a polar bear as they are on the verge of extinction.



Okurayama ski jump stadium is a famous place in Sapporo because the Winter Olympic Games were held here in 1972. Here the participants competed in 90-meter ski jumping. The slope is still used today for various ski jumping competitions such as the world championships. 

スキージャンプ台が使用されていないときは、絶好の展望ポイントになります。 頂上には展望台があり、リフトで行くことができます。 そこからは美しい札幌の素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます。

Don’t miss visiting the Sapporo Olympic Museum located at the foot of the ski jumping hill. Here you can see, among other things, an exhibition about the 1972 Olympics. The museum also offers several different sports simulation games such as ski jumping, ice skating, and hockey. The games are included in the museum entrance fee.



You will find Sapporo Station right in the center which is the city’s primary train station, but is worth visiting for several other reasons. Adjacent to the station building are several shopping centers and restaurants.

印象的な展望デッキ T38 は、駅の上にそびえる JR タワー内にあり、多くの人がこのビルを訪れる大きな理由となっています。 地上160メートルの迫力の展望台からは、札幌の美しい景色が広がります。

ここには、駅ビルのショッピングセンターの XNUMX つに「札幌ラーメン共和国」もあります。 テーマは札幌名物のラーメン。 ここには、さまざまなバリエーションの小さなラーメン店が XNUMX 軒あります。



定善海は札幌から約1時間のところにある小さな町で、温泉と旅館がたくさんあることで有名です。 本格的な日本の温泉と宿泊施設を体験したいなら、ここがおすすめです。

旅館に泊まれば、伝統的な日本の生活文化や食文化を体験することができます。 ほとんどの旅館には宿泊客専用の温泉がありますが、多くの旅館では宿泊せずに温泉に入ることができます。 

In addition to visiting Jozenkai for its hot springs, many people choose to go here in the fall to experience the beautiful nature and see the autumn changes of the trees. Along the Allen and the side valleys, the colors become extra strong. The best month to experience this is October.



札幌の空港はこう呼ばれています 新千歳空港(CTS/RJCC) 市内から約1時間のところにあります。 を購入した場合は、 Japan Rail Pass、空港で両替できます。


The best month to visit Sapporo is February. This is when the city hosts its famous Sapporo Snow Festival, showcasing incredible ice sculptures and snow art across several sites. February in Sapporo is ideal for experiencing the winter wonderland atmosphere, enjoying snow sports, and savoring seasonal seafood delicacies. The weather is cold, but the festival activities provide a unique and memorable way to experience the charm of this northern city.

Sapporo can be visited on a range of budgets, though it is generally considered moderately expensive. Costs can vary based on travel style, with options ranging from budget hostels to luxury hotels. Dining out in Sapporo offers a wide range, from affordable ramen shops to high-end seafood restaurants. To manage expenses, consider visiting during off-peak times and using public transportation.

Currently, there is no direct bullet train (Shinkansen) service to Sapporo. The Shinkansen line extends to Hakodate on Hokkaido island, from where you can take a limited express train to complete your journey to Sapporo. The entire trip from Tokyo to Sapporo via this route typically takes about 16 hours. If you’re planning extensive travel in Japan, purchasing a Japan Rail Pass 旅行前に can be a great idea. This pass allows for unlimited travel on most Shinkansen trains and other JR transport services.


他の旅行ガイドを参照して、素晴らしい国日本を探索してください。 私たちは毎週新しい目的地を追加しています。以前に日本に来たことのある方は、旅行ガイドに新しい目的地を遠慮なく提案してください。 あらゆるご提案に感謝いたします。

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