7 days or 14 days?


7 days or 14 days?

We will travel from Osaka to Tokyo for 6 days and go back to Osaka again on the 21st of February. But we plan to visit Nara, Kobe, Kyoto and Hiroshima. Our total stay in Japan is 16 days, but we don’t think we need the JR Pass as much as 14 total days.

What is the best option?

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question December 12, 2022

Hi Vickan,

It’s hard to say as we haven’t planend your entire trip. But from what I can see, you will most likely benefit from a 14 days Japan Rail Pass as half of the underground system in Tokyo is included and run by JR. The trip itselt from Tokyo Narita Aiport to Tokyo and to Osaka, with return is the price of a 7 days JR Pass. Include a little extra and you’re able to use the subway during your entire stay, visit Kobe, Nara, Kyoto and other destiantions along your journey across Japan.

Feel free to find inspiration and places to visit in our travel guide about Japan:

Japan Travel Guide – All you need to know! • Getjrpass.com

With kind regards, Jonathan Holm.

Getjrpass.com Staff

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question December 12, 2022
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