Upgrade to Nozomi? Or downgrade to ordinary class
Upgrade to Nozomi? Or downgrade to ordinary class
Hi… we are family of 4 already have 4 pass green car. We plan to go to tokyo from Shinosaka… i read in internet that Hikari & kodoma has no green car…how to upgrade to Nozomi green car?
Or should we choose downgrade and reserve ordinary car seat (with financial lost of green car )
Or…. should we take Hikari green car from kyoto to tokyo instead?
Im really confused.
Thx for your help
Jonathan - Staff member Answered question June 21, 2023
Hi Widodo, there’s plently of green cars on Hikari between Tokyo and Osaka – you have nothing to worry about.
Visit your nearest JR Shinkansen ticket machine and you’ll be able to book tickets for this train.
Let me know if there’s anything else we can do to help 🇯🇵⛩️
With kind regards, Jonathan Holm.
Getjrpass Staff
Jonathan - Staff member Answered question June 21, 2023