Green Pass Selective Upgrades


Green Pass Selective Upgrades

Hi, if I already have a JR Ordinary pass can I choose on any individual trips to pay extra at the train station and have Green pass for that one part of my trip.

For example the first leg of my travels will be Tokyo to Hiroshima and I might want to treat myself and go Green for that part of the journey only and just stay with my Ordinary pass for the remaining legs of my holiday.

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 8, 2024

Hi Stu, sorry for my late reply – been a busy weekend.
A green seat can be “upgraded” to, with help from staff at the nearest JR office, but they will charge you the same price as an individual green car seat. The booking system is a little different in Japan where your ticket price includes 1 fare cost and 1 seat cost. As an example, if an individal ticket cost 15.000 JPY, 6.000 JPY is the fare price and 9.000 JPY is the seat price. The JR Pass will cover the fare cost, as it’s included in the JR Pass but the seat charge will be paid in full if changed from a standard to green car, meaning you’d have to add another 9.000 JPY to upgrade.  I wouldn’t recommend it, due to the large price difference needed to upgrade.

Seat and fare is always included in the JR Pass if traveling on the included pass / wagons. As an example, you can always book seating free of charge if you travel on a ordinary car with a ordinary Japan Rail Pass, while Green Pass holders can reserve seating free of charge on ordinary and green cars.

Hope it was of help and have a wonderful stay in Japan!
With kind regard, Jonathan H – Getjrpass Staff

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 8, 2024
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