Promo Code Japan Rail Pass


Promo Code Japan Rail Pass

Are there any promotional code for JR Pass? If so where can I find it? Do you have discounts based on age?

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 6, 2023

Hi Annie!

JR Group strictly forbid discounts on their Japan Rail Passes. There are however discount prices for chrildren under the age of 12.

  • The fares are free for children between the age of 0-5, and they don’t need their own Japan Rail Pass.
  • Children between 6-11 get 50% discount on their JR Pass price.
  • Children from 12 years and up are lised and classed as adults at JR and will need their own Japan Rail Pass (adult pass).



With kind regards, Jonathan H. Staff

Jonathan - Staff member Changed status to publish January 6, 2023
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