Purchase JR pass within few days for arrival?


Purchase JR pass within few days for arrival?


My wife and I will land in Tokyo in 4 days from now. We just found out about the JR rail pass now. In your app it mentions not to purchase if the trip is within 14 days of arrival.

We wanted to benefit from the online prices of course, but what can we do best? What are the prices if we purchase on arrival in Haneda on June 8?

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question June 4, 2023

Hi Baris, hope you’re having a great weekend! 🙂

All our passes are sent out physically, and 4 days is a little short notice in some cases. Normal delivery is 1-2 work days but we can not guarantee anything. However there is a solution which you may find fitting. I’ll reach out over email to the registered adress of your account.

With kind regards, Jonathan H.
Getjrpass.com Staff

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question June 4, 2023
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