Suica card


Suica card

Dear Jonathan,

is there a possibility to order a Suica card (or Pasmo) through you?

I have booked several separate train tickets for my stay in May but no Japan Rail Pass.
I live in the Netherlands.

Kindest regards


Jonathan - Staff member Answered question April 24, 2024

Hi Ton, due to chip shortage in Japan, we can’t offer any Suica cards at this moment I’m affraid.

However, if you have an iPhone you can get it digitaly via Apple Pay instead and blip your phone offline.

I know Pasmo can be bought at Haneda and works the same. And Suica can be bought at some JR offices like in Tokyo Station etc, but only to tourists and limited per day per office. I dont have any data on which though I’m affraid.

Wish I could have been of more help and I wish you a wonderful stay in Japan.
Let me know if there’s anything else we can do to help.

With kind regards, Jonathan H.

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question April 24, 2024
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