Where can I buy Japan Rail Pass?


Where can I buy Japan Rail Pass?

Where can I buy Japan Rail Pass?

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 4, 2023

Japan Rail Pass, also known as a JR Pass can only be bought online and from outside of Japan from agents like Getjrpass before your trip. Feel free to place your order at https://getjrpass.com and we’ll have it shipped to you shortly.

Keep in mind that the JR Pass MCO has to be brought physically to Japan and that digital copys are not allowed.

We can ship to hotels and people in Japan, but a Temporary Visitor visa is required to exhange and use the Japan Rail Pass.

With kind regards, Jonathan H.

Getjrpass Staff

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 1, 2023

Feel free to visit Standard vs Green Japan Rail Pass – Getjrpass.com to compare the pass types.

With kind regards, Jonathan H.
Getjrpass Stasff

Jonathan - Staff member Answered question January 4, 2023
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